Within the SUGGEREIX project and based on the data provided by the ACA, a collection of reuse schemes will be carried out in Catalonia, including, whenever possible, the uses of regenerated water. The applied technologies for the treatment (at European and World level) and the monitoring done to guarantee the quality based on the current regulations in each case.

Baix Llobregat water regeneration station
It is one of the largest water regeneration facilities in Europe and produces two qualities of water, for agricultural use and recharging of aquifers. Ensuring the quality of this water is a key factor in satisfying the water demand of the metropolitan area and preventing salt intrusion into the aquifers.

Tossa de Mar purification and reuse system
In a population that more than 10 times its number of inhabitants during the summer, this system works intermittently from the treatment plant itself, in order to provide water for irrigation uses of public green areas, cleaning of streets and maintenance of the ecological flow in the Tossa stream.

Samba Hotel in Lloret de Mar
It is a large hotel complex with 441 rooms, green areas and an outdoor swimming pool. He has previously participated in projects to implement innovative reuse technologies. It is therefore an excellent case study on how to encourage reuse to cope with the increasing demand for tourist facilities.